Our approach to
Bridging desire to delivery
One of emHrge's first clients is a U.K.-based professional services firm, one that committed itself to giving back to the communities in which it does business and to the profession it's a part of. While the commitment's there, the firm doesn't yet have a clear vision of what it seeks to accomplish through its give-back program or how it will go about delivering on that vision.
Question: How can they go about delivering on their vision, thereby fulfilling its commitment, in a meaningful, high-impact, and fiscally responsible way?
Answer: Look to emHrge for help.
The opportunity before us
Being (relatively) new, yet already successful, means that "bandwidth" is an issue at this firm: It's founder, managing directors, and consulting principals are busy (to say the least). Adding to both the challenge and the opportunity is that this group of committed professionals come from multi-dimensional diverse backgrounds.
While the desire to give back is universal, uniting around a common, clearly articulated vision for the firm's give-back program had proven difficult: Lots of potential ideas, too little time, and no vehicle through with to reach consensus.
After a few discovery meetings, we’ve:
Developed proposed guiding principles for the firm’s give-back program.
Created a project roadmap that will result in the establishment of the program’s vision, mission, guiding principles, focus areas, objectives, and a measurements plan.
Identified key stakeholders and developed interview protocols for each stakeholder group.
Immediate next steps: Conduct interviews, facilitate visioning workshop.
Reference available upon request.